
To run the samples, navigate to the mqlight/samples/ folder.

Receiver Sample:

usage: [-h] [-s SERVICE] [-t TOPIC_PATTERN] [-i CLIENT_ID]
[–destination-ttl DESTINATION_TTL] [-n SHARE_NAME] [-f FILE] [-d DELAY] [–verbose] [-c FILE] [–client-certificate FILE] [–client-key FILE] [–client-key-passphrase PASSPHRASE] [–no-verify-name SSL_VERIFY_NAME]

Connect to an MQ Light server and subscribe to the specified topic.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SERVICE, --service SERVICE
 service to connect to, for example: amqp://user:password@host:5672 or amqps://host:5671 to use SSL/TLS (default: None)
 subscribe to receive messages matching TOPIC_PATTERN (default: public)
 the ID to use when connecting to MQ Light (default: send_[0-9a-f]{7})
--destination-ttl DESTINATION_TTL
 set destination time-to-live to DESTINATION_TTL seconds (default: None)
-n SHARE_NAME, --share-name SHARE_NAME
 optionally, subscribe to a shared destination using SHARE_NAMEas the share name.
-f FILE, --file FILE
 write the payload of the next message received to FILE (overwriting previous file contents then end. (default is to print messages to stdout)
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
 delays the confirmation for DELAY seconds each time a message is received. (default: 0)
--verbose print additional information about each message.
ssl arguments:
-c FILE, --trust-certificate FILE
 use the certificate contained in FILE (in PEM or DER format) to validate the identify of the server. The connection must be secured with SSL/TLS (e.g. the service URL must start with “amqps://”)
 FILE use the certificate contained in FILE (in PEM format) to supply the identity of the client. The connection must be secured with SSL/TLS
--client-key FILE
 use the private key contained in FILE (in PEM format) for encrypting the specified client certificate
--client-key-passphrase PASSPHRASE
 use PASSPHRASE to access the client private key
--no-verify-name SSL_VERIFY_NAME
 specify to not additionally check the server’s common name in the specified trust certificate matches the actual server’s DNS name

Sender Sample:

usage: [-h] [-s SERVICE] [-t TOPIC] [-i CLIENT_ID]
[–message-ttl MESSAGE_TTL] [-d DELAY] [-r REPEAT] [–sequence] [-f FILE] [–verbose] [-c FILE] [–client-certificate FILE] [–client-key FILE] [–client-key-passphrase PASSPHRASE] [–no-verify-name SSL_VERIFY_NAME] [MESSAGE [MESSAGE ...]]

Send a message to a MQ Light server.

positional arguments:
MESSAGE message to be sent (default: [‘Hello world!’])
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SERVICE, --service SERVICE
 service to connect to, for example: amqp://user:password@host:5672 or amqps://host:5671 to use SSL/TLS (default: None)
-t TOPIC, --topic TOPIC
 send messages to topic TOPIC (default: public)
 the ID to use when connecting to MQ Light (default: send_[0-9a-f]{7})
--message-ttl MESSAGE_TTL
 set message time-to-live to MESSAGE_TTL seconds (default: None)
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
 add NUM seconds delay between each request (default: 0)
-r REPEAT, --repeat REPEAT
 send messages REPEAT times, if REPEAT <= 0 then repeat forever (default: 1)
--sequence prefix a sequence number to the message payload, ignored for binary messages
-f FILE, --file FILE
 send FILE as binary data. Cannot be specified at the same time as MESSAGE
--verbose print additional information about each message.
ssl arguments:
-c FILE, --trust-certificate FILE
 use the certificate contained in FILE (in PEM or DER format) to validate the identify of the server. The connection must be secured with SSL/TLS (e.g. the service URL must start with “amqps://”)
 FILE use the certificate contained in FILE (in PEM format) to supply the identity of the client. The connection mustbe secured with SSL/TLS
--client-key FILE
 use the private key contained in FILE (in PEM format) for encrypting the specified client certificate
--client-key-passphrase PASSPHRASE
 use PASSPHRASE to access the client private key
--no-verify-name SSL_VERIFY_NAME
 specify to not additionally check the server’s common name in the specified trust certificate matches the actual server’s DNS name
usage: [-h] [-s SERVICE] [-v] [-c FILE]
[–client-certificate FILE] [–client-key FILE] [–client-key-passphrase PASSPHRASE] [–no-verify-name]

UIWorkout Sample:

Send and receives a number of messages to a MQ Light server.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SERVICE, --service SERVICE
 service to connect to, for example: amqp://user:password@host:5672 or amqps://host:5671 to use SSL/TLS (default: amqp://localhost)
-v, --verbose Increase the verbose output of the sample
ssl arguments:
-c FILE, --trust-certificate FILE
 use the certificate contained in FILE (in PEM or DER format) to validate the identify of the server. The connection must be secured with SSL/TLS (e.g. the service URL must start with “amqps://”)
 FILE use the certificate contained in FILE (in PEM format) to supply the identity of the client. The connection mustbe secured with SSL/TLS
--client-key FILE
 use the private key contained in FILE (in PEM format) for encrypting the specified client certificate
--client-key-passphrase PASSPHRASE
 use PASSPHRASE to access the client private key
 specify to not additionally check the server’s common name in the specified trust certificate matches the actual server’s DNS name